Sharma TD


1.      Kapil U, Sohal KS, Sharma TD, Tandon M, Pathak P. Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders using the 30 cluster approach in District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India.
J Trop Pediatr. 2000 Oct;46(5):264-6.

2.      Kapil U, Sohal KS, Sharma TD, Tandon M, Pathak P.Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders using the 30 cluster approach in district Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, India.
J Trop Pediatr. 2000 Oct;46(5):264-6.

3.      Kapil U, Dwivedi SN, Seshadri S, Swami SS, Beena, Mathur BP, Sharma TD, Khanna K, Raghuvanshi RN, Tandon M, Pathak P, Pradhan R. Validation of spot testing kit in the assessment of iodine content of salt: a multi-centric study.Indian Pediatr. 2000 Feb;37(2):182-6.


4.      Sohal KS, Sharma TD, Kapil U, Tandon M.Current status of prevalence of goiter and iodine content of salt consumed in District Solan, Himachal Pradesh. Indian Pediatr. 1999 Dec;36(12):1253-6.


5.      Sohal KS, Sharma TD, Kapil U, Tandon M. Assessment of iodine deficiency disorders in district Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh. Indian Pediatr. 1998 Oct;35(10):1008-11.


6.      Kapil U, Saxena N, Ramachandran S, Sharma TD, Nayar D. Status of iodine deficiency in selected blocks of Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh. Indian Pediatr. 1997 Apr;34(4):338-40.