Kochupillai N


1.       Sooch SS, Deo MG, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Ramachandran K, Ramalingaswami V. Prevention of endemic goitre with iodized salt. 1973. Natl Med J India. 2001 May-Jun;14(3):185-8.


2.       Marwaha RK, Tandon N, Karak AK, Gupta N, Verma K, Kochupillai N. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: countrywide screening of goitrous healthy young girls in postiodization phase in India.J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2000 Oct;85(10):3798-802.


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6.       Pandav CS, Kochupillai N, Karmarkar MG, Nath LM. Iodine deficiency disorders in India: review of control measures. Indian Pediatr. 1986 May;23(5):325-9.


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9.       Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N. Recommended levels of salt iodation in India.Indian J Pediatr. 1984 Jan-Feb;51(408):53-4.


10.   Panday CS, Kochupillai N. Iodine prophylaxis and endemic goitre. Indian J Pediatr. 1982 Nov-Dec;49(401):819-22.


11.   Karmarkar MG, Deo MG, Kochupillai N, Ramalingaswami V. Pathophysiology of Himalayan endemic goiter. Am J Clin Nutr. 1974 Jan;27(1):96-103.


12.   Sooch SS, Deo MG, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Ramachandran K, Ramalingaswami V. Prevention of endemic goitre with iodized salt. Bull World Health Organ. 1973;49(3):307-12.


13.   Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Deo MG, Ramalingaswami V. Adaptation of thyroid gland to iodine deficiency.Life Sci. 1969 Nov 1;8(21):1135-41.


14.     Pandav CS, Kochupiliai N, Nath LM.National policy on endemic goitre--harbinger of national policy on nutrition.Indian J Pediatr. 1984 May-Jun;51(410):277-82.


15.   Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N.Recommended levels of salt iodation in India. Indian J Pediatr. 1984 Jan-Feb;51(408):53-4