Karmarkar MG



1.      Sooch SS, Deo MG, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Ramachandran K, Ramalingaswami V. Prevention of endemic goitre with iodized salt. 1973. Natl Med J India. 2001 May-Jun;14(3):185-8.


2.      Sood A, Thakur VS, Karmarkar MG, Ahuja MM. Effect of chronic morphine administration on glucose tolerance and insulin binding to isolated rat adipocytes.Endocr Res. 2001 Feb-May;27(1-2):215-21.


3.      Moorthy D, Sood A, Ahluwalia A, Kumar R, Pandey RM, Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Padhy AK. Radioiodine kinetics and thyroid function following the universal salt iodization policy.Natl Med J India. 2001 Mar-Apr;14(2):71-4.


4.      Kapil U, Prakash S, Nayar D, Ramachandran S, Vashist M, Balamurugan A, Karmarkar MG. Addition of iodine to water by a filter based on polyiodide resin technology used at household level. J Assoc Physicians India. 1998 Feb;46(2):209-10


5.      Pandav CS, Arora NK, Krishnan A, Sankar R, Pandav S, Karmarkar MG. Validation of spot-testing kits to determine iodine content in salt. Bull World Health Organ. 2000;78(8):975-80.


6.      Sankar R, Pandav CS, Ahmed FU, Rao P, Dwivedi MP, Desai V, Karmarkar MG, Nath LM. Review of experiences with iodized oil in national programmes for control of iodine deficiency disorders. Indian J Pediatr. 1995 Jul-Aug;62(4):381-93. Review. No abstract available.


7.      Pandav CS, Sachdeva I, Anand K, Pandav S, Karmarkar MG.Using government schools to monitor iodine content of salt at household level in Delhi. Indian J Pediatr. 1999 Mar-Apr;66(2):179-83.


8.      Mallik AK, Anand K, Pandav CS, Achar DP, Lobo J, Karmarkar MG, Nath LM.  Knowledge beliefs and practices regarding iodine deficiency disorders among the tribals in Car Nicobar. Indian J Pediatr. 1998 Jan-Feb;65(1):115-20.


9.      Ohashi T, Yamaki M, Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Irie M. Simple microplate method for determination of urinary iodine. Clin Chem. 2000 Apr;46(4):529-36.


10.  Karmarkar MG, Pandav CS. Interpretation of indicators of iodine deficiency disorders: recent experiences. Natl Med J India. 1999 May-Jun;12(3):113-7.


11.  Mallik AK, Pandav CS, Achar DP, Anand K, Lobo J, Karmarkar MG, Nath LM. Iodine deficiency disorders in Car Nicobar (Andaman and Nicobar Islands). Natl Med J India. 1998 Jan-Feb;11(1):9-11.


12.  Sood A, Pandav CS, Anand K, Sankar R, Karmarkar MG. Relevance and importance of universal salt iodization in India. Natl Med J India. 1997 Nov-Dec;10(6):290-3.


13.  Pandav CS, Mallik A, Anand K, Pandav S, Karmarkar MG. Prevalence of iodine deficiency disorders among school children of Delhi. Natl Med J India. 1997 May-Jun;10(3):112-4.


14.  Pandav CS, Pandav S, Anand K, Wajih SA, Prakash S, Singh J, Karmarkar MG. A role for nongovernmental organizations in monitoring the iodine content of salt in northern India.

      Bull World Health Organ. 1995;73(1):71-5.


15.  Shankar SM, Menon PS, Karmarkar MG, Gopinath PG. Dysgenesis of thyroid is the common type of childhood hypothyroidism in environmentally iodine deficient areas of north India. Acta Paediatr. 1994 Oct;83(10):1047-51.


16.  Singh S, Singh N, Pandav R, Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG. Toxoplasma gondii infection & its association with iodine deficiency in a residential school in a tribal area of Maharashtra. Indian J Med Res. 1994 Jan;99:27-31.


17.  Pandav CS, Anand K, Karmarkar MG. Costing of a salt iodine monitoring laboratory in India. Natl Med J India. 1994 Jan-Feb;7(1):12-4.


18.  Karmarkar MG, Prabarkaran D, Godbole MM.  5'-Monodeiodinase activity in developing human cerebral cortex. Am J Clin Nutr. 1993 Feb;57(2 Suppl):291S-294S.


19.  Virmani A, Menon PS, Karmarkar MG, Gopinath PG, Padhy AK.  Profile of thyroid disorders in a referral centre in north India. Indian Pediatr. 1989 Mar;26(3):265-9.


20.  Virmani A, Menon PS, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Seth V, Ghai OP, Gopinath PG.

       Evaluation of thyroid function in children with undiagnosed short stature in north India.

       Ann Trop Paediatr. 1987 Sep;7(3):205-9.


21.   Pandav CS, Nath LM, Karmarkar MG, Kachupillai N. Iodine deficiency disorders and human resource development. Indian Pediatr. 1986 May;23(5):321-4.


22.   Pandav CS, Kochupillai N, Karmarkar MG, Nath LM.  Iodine deficiency disorders in India: review of control measures. Indian Pediatr. 1986 May;23(5):325-9


23.   Kochupillai N, Godbole MM, Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Ahuja MM. Neonatal thyroid status in iodine deficient environments of the sub-Himalayan region. Indian J Med Res. 1984 Sep;80:293-9.


24.   Pandav CS, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N.  Recommended levels of salt iodation in India. Indian J Pediatr. 1984 Jan-Feb;51(408):53-4.


25.   Ahuja MM, Karmarkar MG, Gopinath PG.  Tests of thyroid function. J Assoc Physicians India. 1978 Feb;26(2):109-18.


26.   Karmarkar MG, Deo MG, Kochupillai N, Ramalingaswami V.  Pathophysiology of Himalayan endemic goiter. Am J Clin Nutr. 1974 Jan;27(1):96-103. 27:  Karmarkar MG, Ramalingaswomi V.  Pathophysiology of Himalayan endemic goitre. Acta Endocrinol Suppl (Copenh). 1973 Oct;179:38-9.


27.   Sooch SS, Deo MG, Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Ramachandran K, Ramalingaswami V.  Prevention of endemic goitre with iodized salt. Bull World Health Organ. 1973;49(3):307-12.


28.   Karmarkar MG, Kochupillai N, Deo MG, Ramalingaswami V.  Adaptation of thyroid gland to iodine deficiency. Life Sci. 1969 Nov 1;8(21):1135-41.